Community Calendar
Gameday Men's Health - Open for Business!
8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Gameday Men’s Health – Germantown is ready to schedule “life changing” appointments! Come in for your complementary consultation and testosterone test. Testosterone requires 1 hour for the consultation, testing and injection if you qualify. ...
A Holistic Approach to Financial Empowerment
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
The Captain John D. Mason Veteran Peer Outreach Program, in partnership with Marine Credit Union, is offering a financial education workshop
Dane Buy Local Holiday Auction
Dane Buy Local is a nonprofit that relies on membership dues and support through donations to keep our mission alive. Local businesses are essential to the ethos, economy, and success of our community. By donating to this auction, local businesses get ...
WVCC Business Card Exchange at Volunteer Fox Cities
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Want to connect with other local businesses in the Heart of the Valley? This Business Card Exchange is for you!